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Telepathic Orders of my Divine Father Jehovah Divine Titles

Alpha and Omega announces: (excerpt) Notice that there are Titles that… that are going to get closer, says the Father, to 10,000 Titles, precisely; which I know is called: WHAT WILL COME; They are just Titles, the top part of the Roll; It goes to the notebook, it is in the notebook; With pure Titles there is enough to make millions of books and it is called: WHAT WILL COME —Just Titles—; Then, this is translated, says the Father, into all the languages ​​of the Earth, because what is of God is universal.-

Transcription of the notebooks entitled: Titles of future Scrolls WHAT WILL COME

NOTE: in the original notebooks, the Titles are not numbered. The Divine Laws that you read are a part of the ten thousand divine laws that the Divine Master wrote during his time in Lima-Peru; These divine laws are contained in 30 divine notebooks of two hundred sheets each; here you can download from title 1 to title 3701.

Divine Titles Gallery