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Download, enjoy and spread, don’t keep it to yourself, it is heritage for all humanity sent by God through divinely sent means.

The Scrolls of The Lamb of God
Telepathic Articles
How a Spirit Gets United to a Baby
The Human Brain
Events that Will Occur in India
Construction Of The Flying Saucers
Divine Final Judgment
The So-Called Leaders of the world
morality and justice in marriage
Telepathic message from the eternal father to the terrestrial world
Telepathic translation of the stones of ICA and the geometry of NAZCA
Divine origin of the human life
Origin of the numbers
Origin of the universe
The doctrine of the lamb of god communist philosophy
Galactic philosophy of the eternal father's emissary
Prophesy the spirits of North America
Translation of the holy scriptures
What is to come titles of future scrolls
The World Shall be Rule