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The Ten Commandments, based on the scriptures and the scrolls of the Lamb of God.

The 10 commandments: Written on tablets by the finger of the Divine Eternal Father.

You, children of the earth, promised before knowing human life to fulfill in your simplest feelings the highest morality that can be conceived, and to attend to your request; the divine Father placed the Ten Commandments in human life, they represent and remind you on earth of the morality promised in the kingdom of heaven. You might be deceived by the fleeting comforts that money provides, thinking you have never studied my scriptures, that could happen, but failing to comply with the commandments in your daily life cannot be overlooked.

Only the arrogant will come to know the power of God, which is first expressed through living doctrine and then in nature; every new law must first be taught and then executed. To do the opposite would bring chaos to the world, as everyone would be deluded, and many would take their own lives believing that the end of the world has come… No children, there is no such thing; what exists is the final judgment on a way of life that is not of the kingdom of heaven, that is not in my commandments, and will be uprooted in human evolution.

The commandments were given for everyone; they are the only ones that can unify the world. My divine commandments do not divide the world; only the divine commandments could and can still save the world from the weeping and gnashing of teeth that is approaching.

First Commandment
– You shall love your God and Creator above all things and your neighbors as yourself.

Second Commandment
– You shall not worship any image, temple, or likeness of any kind.

Third Commandment
– You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.

Fourth Commandment
– Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy; six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

Fifth Commandment
– Honor your father and your mother so that your days may be prolonged in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.

Sixth Commandment
– You shall not kill.

Seventh Commandment
– You shall not fornicate, you shall not commit adultery.

Eighth Commandment
– You shall not steal.

Ninth Commandment
– You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor, no lies.

Tenth Commandment
– You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.

Based on the Holy Scriptures: Exodus, Chapter 20 – Deuteronomy, Chapter 5.

The divine mandates of the creator bear the seal of equality to a degree unknown to you; this equality is represented in the 10 commandments. Where did you get the word private? Nothing is private in nature.

The divine rod gives and takes away, meaning that the divine commandments have been observing the actions of every human being throughout the centuries; they are living words of God, who is everywhere, the highest morality that our human mind can imagine, and such morality is represented by my commandments; there is no other knowledge in this world that surpasses them. My divine commandments teach equality; an equality that, if respected, would have made the earth a paradise. The creator is infinite and is present in all doctrine; yet, His commandments are the supreme because they emerged from His free will.

The divine morality of my divine commandments was created so that a universal communist government could arise on earth, one single government and one single god. Is there any doctrine more humble than that which shares material things in common? The hour has come when all power that is not of the Eternal Father will fall by its own law; with the measure they used, they will be measured: the measure is the commandments, and by the commandments they will fall.



“Lord, you blew the winds and the sea is your child!” Who is like you, oh Lord? From the eternal to eternity, you are the voice of God!.